Replacement keys for letterbox key locks
The Letterbox Man has two series of replacement keys for your letterbox. Replacement keys come in a set of 2 keys no matter which series you order.
Furthermore Customers can find the number of their lost key punched into the face of the lock for both key lock series.
Firstly First Lock Series have been installed in older Residential or Apartment/Multi Unit banks where a Master Key is essential. This key has a square shaped head. The number series can start with 600???. The numbers for this series range from (600)001~200. It is a single sided key, meaning it has one straight side and one bumpy side.
Secondly T6 Series have been installed in recent Residential or Apartment/Multi Unit banks where a Master Key is NOT essential. This range gives added protection to our customers. This series is unique to The Letterbox mand and local locksmiths do not have blanks and can’t reproduce them for you. You can purchase additional sets of 2 keys from The Letterbox Man. The numbers for this series range from 001~150. This key has an octagional (8 sided) shaped head. As it’s a two sided key it has a bump near the head on the straight side and the other side side is bumpy.
For further clarification of the keys, please refer to the photo’s of each key in the photo gallery.
Finally if you are unsure which series your key is please provide a close up photo of the lock showing the number. From this photo we can also determine which series it. Please email: with the photo.