Cast aluminium square letterbox, Gumleaf Econo with gum leaf design on roof, round post with newspaper holder and oval number plate
Customers can purchase a square Gumleaf Econo letterbox. In addition it comes with a 60mm round (with 2mm wall) aluminium post with oval number plate and newspaper holder.
To reduce the cost of freight the post comes in two parts. Self tapping screws are supplied. The oval number plate will take 60mm (2-3/8 inch) numbers. A single post can ordered, however the freight cost will rise accordingly.
Furthermore the letterbox comes standard with a key lock. A gem lock is available at additional cost. This letterbox is made from Australian made castings and wholly manufactured in our Brisbane factory by hand.
Finally customers have a choice of powder coat colours. Customers wishing to have an artistic flare can choose one colour for the letterbox and a different colour for the letterbox post.
Due to anomalies within cast aluminium that can interfere with powder coating, it has been noted the powder coating on the roof of the Gumleaf cannot be guaranteed to adhere to the castings and have been known to chip over time.