Letterbox Lock Types

For enhancing the security of your mail box

Different lock types work with different locking mechanisms. Therefore we have expanded our range of lock types to suit different security options for our customers. The Letterbox Man takes identity theft very seriously.

Key Lock

First Lock Series
Lock First/Keys

The Letterbox Industry commonly use key-locks that have a master key.  When having a master key, the holder is able to access EVERY letterbox in a complex. As there are situations that dictate this as a necessity we have a key-lock series that has a master key. Local locksmiths can easily duplicate these keys. However we do supply replacement keys at a very competitive price.

Conversely, as reducing identity theft is our priority, we have introduced a “T” series key lock. A local locksmith would need specialized equipment to duplicate these locks. We do not offer a master key with this series as an added protective measure.  Additionally another feature we have implemented with these locks is to have a thicker cam than usual.  By having a thicker cam (tongue) a person is no longer able to bend the cam.

We are able to supply replacement keys at a very competitive price.

Latch Lock

Latch lock suitable for padlocks
Latch lock

This type of lock is suitable for padlocks. Purchasers don’t have to lock their Letterbox when using this lock. However it gives the owner the option of padlocking shut the letterbox when they go away.  This is a viable option for rental properties or for the elderly. Government housing properties use this latch locks on their letterboxes.  We also export letterboxes to a foreign country and this is the primary locking mechanism for those letterboxes.

Combination Lock

3 Dial resettable combination lock
Combination Lock

A re-settable combination lock has 3 dials for the code.  It is only re-settable (ie. the combination can be changed) by knowing the original code (you change the combination by pressing the reset button whilst changing the numbering). The Air BnB industry, find this type of lock to be very useful.

GEM Lock

Radial pin Gem lock non mastered
Gem radial pin Lock

Our most secure lock is the radial pin GEM lock. This lock does not have a master key. Radial pin lock replacements are difficult to obtain.  This comes with a round lock that is hard to access with a screwdriver.  The Key has a round barrel.  A competent lock-smith with the right tools and a key can duplicate this key. 

GEM locks may require a bent cam. The Letterbox Man does not supply bent cams, however purchasers can obtain them from the internet.

Our key-holes have two vertical sides and two arcs (one at the top and one at the bottom). This stops the lock types from rotating around in the hole. This feature ensures a screwdriver is useless to access the letterboxes, via the lock.

With round holes, the lock can rotate and the cam slip out of the groove. This reduces the appearance of vandalism, however the identity thief has still been able to access a letterbox.

With The Letterbox Man letterboxes we have also modified the groove in our extrusion. It is deeper, making it less likely that a cam can “slip” out of the groove when the letterbox in manipulated.